Oggetto : CBET 1432: 20080707 : SUPERNOVA 2008ea IN NGC 7624
Data : Mon, 7 Jul 2008 17:04:29 -0400 (EDT)

Telegram No. 1432 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
M.S. 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge,
MA 02138, U.S.A. IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231
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SUPERNOVA 2008ea IN NGC 7624
A. Dimai, Cortina d’Ampezzo, Italy, on behalf of the
CROSS program (cf. IAUC 7373), reports the discovery of an
apparent supernova (mag about 17.0) by F. Martinelli and M.
Biagietti, Santa Maria a Monte, Pisa, Italy; and G. Iafrate,
Cortina, Italy, on two unfiltered CCD images (limiting mag
about 18.5) taken on July 6.07 UT with the 35.6-cm
Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope of the Tavolaia Observatory
(Santa Maria a Monte, Pisa). The new object is located at
R.A. = 23h20m22s.58, Decl. = +27o19′10″.2 (equinox 2000.0),
which is 2″ west and 15″ north of the nucleus of the galaxy
NGC 7624, superimposed on a faint H II region that is
visible on two red Palomar Sky Survey (POSS) plates. CROSS
images of the same field taken on Jan. 21 showed nothing at
the position of 2008ea (limiting mag about 18.0), and 2008ea
does not appear on POSS infrared, red, and blue plates. The
discovery image of 2008ea is posted at URL
Further to CBET 1426, R. Mostardi, W. Li, and A. V.
Filippenko, University of California, report the independent
LOSS discovery of 2008ea at mag 17.5 on an unfiltered KAIT
image taken on July 7.45, the position end figures given as
22s.62, 11″.0 (offset 0″.9 west, 15″.6 north of the galaxy
center). Nothing is visible at this position on a KAIT
image taken on June 21.44 (limiting mag 19.0).

NOTE: These ‘Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams’ are
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU

(C) Copyright 2008 CBAT
2008 July 7 (CBET 1432)
Daniel W. E. Green

4 Commenti per articolo “SN 2008 EA -”

  1. Paolo Morandi ha scritto:

    Complimenti a tutti Voi!
    Continuate così!

  2. Marco Migliardi ha scritto:

    E bravo Biagetti! Che sia la prima di una lunga serie!

  3. Marco Migliardi ha scritto:

    E un plauso personale anche all’instancabile nottambulo. Good job, Fabio!

  4. Daniele Pucci ha scritto:

    Be non posso che unirmi ai complimenti, COMPLIMENTI a Fabio l’instancabile,a Mauro il tenace e a Giulia che con la sua pazienza è riuscita a cordinare tutto (liste galassie , smistamenti vari ecc. ecc.)

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